Thursday, April 22, 2010

This Just In ...

The Chub Muffin has finally rolled over. Despite her efforts to ban tummy time, she couldn't escape it. It's a good day, despite our teething woes which I will post about a little later.


  1. Yay!Rolling over is such a big step! Oh and don't get me started on the whole teething thing. I swear GG has been teething for four months and still doesn't have a tooth! We have seen some bumps though and the doc told us she'd have a few soon! Have you tried Hyland's Teething tablets? They are homeopathic and were recommended to me by a friend. They have been a lifesaver...GG has a few several times a day when her teeth/gums appear to be giving her fits. It seems to calm her down, even in some cases help her sleep. Have a good one!

  2. Sweet! I bet we can have her ready to ski by next winter at this rate!

  3. From back to tummy? It would have been fun to see the surprise on her face when she found herself "upside down." Big day!

  4. No, from tummy to back. Now she has a way out of tummy time!

  5. Yay!!! Good for her! I knew it would happen soon. Camden did tummy to back first also and back to tummy followed pretty soon thereafter. I think you're right- she figured out the best way to escape tummy time!

  6. YEAH!!!!!! She rolled over!! MY smart granddaughter!!!!!
